801-798-5600 (Non-Emergency)
801-794-4000 (Administration Office)
Central Utah 911 has the following positions open:
Click here to find out more about each position.
Counties Served
Cities Served
Police Departments
Fire Departments
Avg. Monthly 911 Calls
2024 Call Volume (911 & Non-Emergency)
Mission Statement
Providing the connection between the community and responders to save lives and protect property.
Making those around us successful.
My actions have an effect.
Together we achieve greatness.
Learn something every day, then take action to put it to use.
Today we strive to do better; tomorrow we strive to do more.
When to Call 9-1-1

Tips for Calling 9-1-1
- Contact 9-1-1 if there is a threat to loss of life or property
- Know the address and city of your emergency
- Know your phone number
- Know the type of emergency
- Stay calm and answer all of the operator's questions

Text to 9-1-1
Residents anywhere in Utah and Juab County can text “911” on their cell phones and be connected with a 911 dispatcher in an emergency. Speaking directly to a 911 dispatcher is always the best and fastest way to get help in an emergency or to report a crime in progress. If you can call 911 for help, please do, but for those times when you can’t call, there is now “Text to 911”. This new feature is also a benefit to the hearing impaired and can be helpful in an emergency as opposed to a voice call to 911. This service will be especially helpful in cases when:
- The caller cannot communicate verbally due to a hearing or speech impairment
- The caller is in a situation when a crime is in progress
- The caller is facing domestic abuse
- The caller is injured and cannot speak
Spillman Technologies, Inc. — A Motorola Solutions Company — located in West Valley City, Utah — has been helping law enforcement agencies, dispatch centers, jails, fire departments, and other public safety agencies meet their information management challenges since 1983. Nationwide, over 400 agencies now use Spillman software.
Vesta 9-1-1. — A Motorola Solutions Company — The VESTA® 9-1-1 solution, the heart of the VESTA suite, innovates for you. It’s new capabilities help you manage the rapid evolution of technology to meet citizen expectations. At the same time, its functionality makes it possible to gain back valuable time and resources and increase your productivity. Plus, our advanced data functionality offers a simple and predictable way to help you implement and manage i3 content.
Phoenix G2 Station Alerting . — At US Digital Designs, we stake our reputation on delivering innovative, continuously upgraded, made-in-the-USA technology, as well as friendly personalized, customer service. Below, you’ll find a list of our USDD customers who rely on the Phoenix G2 Fire Station Alerting System to reduce response times, decrease stress and maximize situational awareness.
MOPA. — MOPA, LLC (aka Mount Olympus Pro Audio) has become a recognized and respected name in government, public safety, and private commercials audio/video, telecommunications, and land mobile radio needs.
iSpyFire — Digital products that save lives
Language Line is America’s fastest growing full-service language interpretation and text translation company. Language Line’s core product is over-the-phone interpretation in 150 languages, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Average connect time to reach an interpreter is 8 seconds.
Utah Communications Authority — UCA provides administrative and financial support for statewide 911 emergency services, including the provision of an i3-compliant, NG911 network. UCA offers the best radio network in North America to Utah’s public safety community.